Fitness Cardio Pro Documentation

We appreciate you selecting Fitness Cardio! The goal of this tutorial is to take you step-by-step through the complete theme for WordPress setup and customization process. It addresses a number of topics to make getting started simple. Kindly check out our Contact Area for help whether you're facing any inquiries that aren't covered in this article. Thank you for your support!


The Cardio WordPress Theme is a powerful and dynamic solution for fitness enthusiasts, personal trainers, gym owners, and online fitness businesses. Designed for fitness training, cardio workouts, and HIIT workouts, this theme provides an engaging and visually appealing website experience. With a sleek, modern, and responsive design, it ensures seamless navigation across devices. Perfect for fitness classes, group fitness, and virtual fitness coaching, it includes built-in SEO optimization for better search rankings. Whether you focus on weight loss fitness, strength training, or body sculpting fitness, this theme offers the perfect platform to showcase services, schedule classes, and promote fitness programs with ease.

The Listing of its Contents

  1. Theme Establishment
  2. Plugin Establishment
  3. Exporting Demo
    1. One Click Demo Install
    2. Import XML Document
  4. Main Site Setup
  5. Typography
  6. Palette Selections
  7. Header
    1. Top Bar
    2. Title and symbol
    3. Managing Menus
  8. Main Page Slider
  9. Interior Pages Banners
  10. Modify the Home Page
  11. Mainpage Section
    1. Our Services
    2. Welcome to Unity Fitness
    3. Why Choose Us
    4. Choose Your Classes
    5. Our Online Store
    6. What We Do
    7. Training Programs
    8. Customer Feedback
    9. Fitness Specialist
    10. Premium Classes
    11. Pricing Plan
    12. Latest News
    13. Our Partners
  12. Conceal Frontpage Section
  13. Section Reordering
  14. Footer
  15. Footer Menu
  16. Blog Page
  17. Contact Page
  18. Practical Plugins
  19. Templates for Pages or Side bars
  20. Widgets
  21. Support

Theme Establishment

Through WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Themes in The admin panel on WordPress and press the Add a new tab..
  2. Find the theme file that has been unzipped on your desktop or laptop by pressing the Browse option..
  3. Find the file named, select it, and press OK.
  4. Press the Install Now button and wait for the installation to finish.
  5. Once installed, click the Activate link to apply the theme to your WordPress site.
Note: Some servers have limited folder access settings applied and wouldn't allow putting the theme website trough the admin - in these case you have to upload the theme applying FTP..

Featuring an FTP client for installation process

While you have FTP authorization for accessing your website's hosting server as well as a client that supports FTP installed, such FileZilla, you can use this method to upload your theme..

  1. Unpack that files or unzip its entire contents.
  2. Open your FTP client and connect to your server.
  3. Decide into the /wp-content/themes/ directory.
  4. The unzipped themes files should be uploaded towards /wp-content/themes/ .
  5. Decide into Appearance > Themes immediately following enrolling into the WordPress admin area, then enable the theme.
essentially find the file by extracting the file that you just downloaded After unzipping it, upload it the file that was extracted file towards wp-content > themes in the main the WordPress platform directory. Be certain that all of the themes's primary files are located in a single folder within the themes directory Should they decide to install it this way.

Once the theme is uploaded to the server, you can activate it from the WordPress dashboard. To do this, Decide into Appearance > Themes in the admin panel. You ought to view the main theme. listed as Fitness Cardio. Simply click the chosen theme and the "Activate" tab will be applied successfully.

Plugin Establishment

The Elementor plugin is used to create the Mainpage Section. Make sure you have installed the Elementor plugin.

Take these actions to set up this plugin:

Exporting Demo

Installing the demo with just one click

You can import Exporting Demo from our demo site with a single click of a button.

  1. Activate the plugin for Just a Click Demo Import.
  2. Go to Appearance and then select Import Demo Data .
  3. The switch to import demo data
Don't forget to activate all necessary plug-ins prior to importing the sample data..

Import XML Document

In that case prefer to import the Exporting Demo manually, you can download the latest XML Document from our server.

Follow these steps to import the Exporting Demo:

  1. Log in to your account at, go to the Downloads section, and download the "Exporting Demo" file.
  2. The Exporting Demo comes in a compressed (.zip) file. Extract it on the computer itself. by right-clicking on and selecting "Extract."
  3. Navigate to Pick the tools > Imports. in The admin panel on WordPress.
  4. Install as well as run the WordPress Importer plugin.
  5. Click the "Browse" button, select the fitnesscardio-demo-content.xml documents and after which select "Importing along with upload the file."
  6. You'll be prompted to assign authors from the import file to users on your site.
  7. Check The "Import and download document attached" box to include media files.
  8. Allow WordPress some time to import the content. This process will import Pages, which was Menus, plus Posts, but you will need to manually assign menu locations and configure widgets due to WordPress import limitations.

Homepage Setup

Once the demo data has been imported, set up the homepage by following these steps:


You can customize the font family and size for body text, slider text, headings, paragraphs, post/page titles, and button text.

Follow these steps to adjust the fonts:

Palette Selections

You can customize the colorswithin slider, text for the body, page and post titles, button backgrounds, and more.

Follow these steps to modify colors:

The site header

The top section consists of comprise three essential components. Website headers, crucial for navigation and branding, usually comprise three essential components.. These components help users understand the site and access important areas.:

Top Bar

To Edit the top bar of The top section, adhere to the instructions:

Modifying the Website's Name or Logo

To update The tag line, the logo, and site title adhere to the instructions:

Setting the menu

  1. Start by creating pages by navigating to Pages > Press Add New in The admin panel on WordPress.
  2. Go to Appearance > Menus.
  3. To generate an entirely new menu, choose Create.
  4. Enter a name for your menu in the "Menu Name" field and press the Saves Menu button.
  5. Once the menu is created, add pages by selecting them using checkboxes. You can rearrange menu items using "click and drag", "move and drop".
  6. Under "Menu Settings," select Primary Menu as the display location.
  7. After adding the required pages and categories, click Saves Menu to apply the changes.

Main Page Slider

This theme includes a Main Page Slider feature. Follow the steps below to set it up:

The recommended image size for the slider is 1400 x 700 pixels.

In that case prefer not to use the default image slider, It is possible for installation. any WordPress plugin for images sliders.

Interior Pages Banners

To update This banner imagery for inner pages or single blog posts, follow these steps:

To set a different banner image for each individual page:

Modify the Home Page

Once the Exporting Demo has been imported, you can customize the Mainpage Section using the Elementor page builder.

Follow these steps To update the main page over Elementor.:

For a detailed guide on using Elementor, visit their official help page at
Take note: To generate interior pages in Elementor, which use "Elementor Webpage Builders" Template.

Mainpage Section

In Elementor, you can edit your page using various widgets. Simply click on the section user wish to modify, and an editor panel will appear on On the left hand side. Use this panel to customize the section as needed.

a. Our Services

b. Welcome to Unity Fitness

c. Why Choose Us

d. Choose Your Classes

e. Our Online Store

To display WooCommerce products in this section:

HTML Shortcode/Content:
[products ids='897, 896, 895, 894' limit='4']

f. What We Do

g. Training Programs

h. Customer Feedback

To display client testimonials:

HTML Shortcode/Content:
[testimonials show='-1']

i. Fitness Specialist

To add team members:

HTML Shortcode:
[ourteam show='4']

j. Premium Classes

k. Pricing Plan

l. Latest News

To display Latest News:

HTML Shortcode:
[latest-news show='2']

m. Our Partners

13. Conceal Frontpage Section

Steps to conceal it Section in Elementor:

14. Section Reordering

Reordering Sections in Elementor:

Section reordering allows you to arrange sections as needed. Moving a section above or below another is simple.

15. Footer

Customizing The zone within  footers Section:

To modify The zone within  footers section, follow these steps:

16. Setting Footer menu

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Menu in The admin panel on WordPress.
  2. Click on To create a new menu to set up a footer menu.
  3. Enter a menu name (e.g., "Quick Links") in the Menu Name field and press the Saves Menu button.
  4. Select the pages user wish to add using the checkboxes.
  5. Under Menu Settings, choose Services Links as the display location.
  6. Choose on Saves Menu to apply the changes.

17. Blog Page

Using Blog Templates:

You can choose from various blog templates to display your blog posts alongside or sans a sidebar. Follow these steps:

18. Contact Page

Displaying a Contact Form:

To add a contact form to your website, follow these steps:

Please Choose this linkto obtain your Google The code source for a map

19. Practical Plugins

Recommended Plugins for the Theme:

We support and recommend some of the best WordPress plugins to enhance your website’s functionality. It is possible for installation. and activate these plugins by navigating to Appearance > visit Install Plugins.

Below is the list of required and recommended plugins:

  1. contact-form-7
  2. Elementor
  3. WooCommerce
  4. Essential Addons for Elementor
  5. MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress
  6. Demo Import

20. Templates for Pages or Side bars

Page Templates

Whereas you create A recent page from Pages > Press Add New, A "Defaulted Template" is automatically assigned to the page. The default template provides a standard page layout, which can include a sidebar or a full-width content area.

Below are the available page templates and their uses:

21. Widgets

Managing Widgets in WordPress

WordPress widgets help manage sidebar and footer sections efficiently. To enable and use widgets, follow these steps:

22. Support

In that case have any questions regarding These themes for The WordPress Platform, you can contact us through our support forum or you can mail us at Our assistance staff is always available to help you with any problems of customization or compatibility you may encounter.

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